
hello ladys and gentlemen from all over the world! I'm getting famous! hahaha,how funny I am.¬¬'
I'm writting in english just to see the people who visits my blog.this post is about,ah,my country!
no,there aren't no crocodiles and monkeys or indians running trought the streets.crocodiles just in Australia and EUA.monkeys,..we have a lot! but they are in the Amazon forest..just like the indians! here in Brazil we don't have just samba,carnival and football...we have prostituts,a horrible gorvenment,lots of poor peolple, and Sao Paulo.yeah,Sao Paulo! I wasn't born there but I live there for almost 10 years..there,I lived the best moments of my life.okei,not so good.a woman has commited(?) suicide...
anyway...I can say that I was a happy,happy happy child.and I miss that.(cry oceans)
and now I live in a city that the only big event is the party of the 'taurus'(I don't know how to say in english the 'husband' of the cow).I hate it.however,I went to these parties just to drink.
keep visiting my blog!

e pros brasileiros:foi mais uma semana onde eu planejava ter feito mil coisas e não fiz nem 1%...estou começando a ficar muito deprimida e o xarope de melagrião não está colaborando com a expectoração(q,existe essa palavra?) do catarro presente nos meus bronquíolos.e meu endométrio fica beeem a vontade pra continuar escorrendo durante 5 dias.¬¬'
ó strees do capetaaaa
eu to pra fazer elefante em todo mundo,incluindo meus 7 periquitos.coitados,eu sei que eles não têm nada a ver com o peixe,mas foda-se.eles me cansam.preciso torturar alguém.MWHUAHUAHAUHAUAHAUHAUHAUAH.faz com que eu me sinta bem.o milagre da semana foi ter conseguido entrar na garagem superhipermega íngreme da minha casa com o carro.AEAEAEAE.
como diz minha ilustríssima amiga: bolsa de valores Camila Mazi em baixa,vão embora.

como fas pra sair desse marasmo carlos?
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2 comentários:

Diego disse...

Girl, you are awesome!!!
Like you a lot..and people still think we have jungle animals in our streets!!! Idiots

Diego disse...

Girl, you are awesome!!!
Like you a lot..and people still think we have jungle animals in our streets!!! Idiots